Post by khanivor on Jun 16, 2022 14:38:32 GMT
Little Leia is awesome. Seems completely in character with older Leia. My nine year old daughter also thinks she’s fantastic and I can only imagine that legions of other girls feel exactly the same way and are loving having her to admire and emulate on a Star Wars show
Post by Reviewer on Jun 16, 2022 14:42:25 GMT
I think that of most tv series these days. Just about all of them should have the same amount of story but in half the number of episodes, certainly of this sort of show (action-drama). But this was what people were saying about 12 episode seasons on Netflix (which were already about half of a regular tv show 22ish episode season). And about 10 episode seasons. And about 8 episode seasons. Now we seem to be down to about 6 episode seasons and people still want to lose the middle half. :D That’s cos they do the same thing with these shows. Whatever content they think is right for x number of hours doesn’t seem to be right.
Post by britesparc on Jun 16, 2022 15:03:25 GMT
Mandalorian season 2 was - IIRC - eight episodes. Each episode, more or less, felt relatively standalone. Mando went to a planet and had to deal with an immediate problem - giant spiders, broken ship, whatever. He usually teamed up with one or more guest characters who came into and out of the narrative in that episode. There was a lot of visual variety, often in simple things like the colour palette of the environments, different weather conditions, etc. At the end, he flew off again with his bambino to the next adventure.
But at the same time it carried across an arc. He was trying to find out who the Child was, where he came from, and find people who could look after him. Threads were woven in, including elements from previous Star Wars shows and ones that hinted at stories set in Mando's future. We had a Big Bad and we knew we'd end up with a confrontation at the end. That climax - the season finale - brought back most of the major characters and was suitably epic.
So I think it's definitely possible to make a serial show, where storylines carry over week to week, feel compelling each and every week. It just boils down to treating each episode individually and making them all work on their own. I wonder perhaps if having different directors helps, although something like Picard is very treads-water-week-by-week and that had different directors, so it's not hard and fast.
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Post by Bongo Heracles on Jun 16, 2022 15:20:45 GMT
I mean, its a truism of everything, really, that something is as long as it needs to be. A 3hr movie isnt necessarily boring if it can justify all 180 minutes.
I just wish more shows had the freedom to say 'yeah, we have six episodes of story here' rather than padding it out to eight with stellar sideplots like Karen becoming a Journalist or The Kingpin constantly macking on his hilariously disinterested art dealer.
Post by britesparc on Jun 16, 2022 15:32:05 GMT
As much as I hate old-style American 24-episode seasons - if I had my way every series would be one twenty-minute episode, like a Lego holiday special; that way I'd get through a lot more Peak TV - I do miss when you'd get totally random one-off little stories, like that "below decks" episode of TNG or the Cher episode of The X-Files.
I guess Stranger Things tried to do that, in a weird way, with that episode of season 2 where Eleven snuck off to the city and hung out with some super-powered punks, but it wasn't very good.
Post by Reviewer on Jun 16, 2022 15:42:49 GMT
This just makes me want to watch something like breaking bad or succession again which does it almost perfectly.
Post by GigaChad Sigma. on Jun 16, 2022 16:10:00 GMT
Light sabre through the blast doors!
Post by beastmaster on Jun 16, 2022 17:25:15 GMT
All those shots from the big gun outside must have weakened it. Otherwise, you'd just get right in there and dew it!
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Post by LFace on Jun 16, 2022 18:21:46 GMT
If only they saw sense to build the blast door out of trooper uniforms, then the saber would have bounced right off it
Post by elstoof on Jun 16, 2022 18:36:17 GMT
It’s really obvious to me it isn’t Prowse in the Vader costume but the skinny Anakin guy. He lacks the same presence, body language and timing, although part of that could be the lack of as fine-tuned editing you get in a feature film. it’s obvious to me too, but mainly because Prowse is dead
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Post by aubergine on Jun 16, 2022 20:13:44 GMT
Still a more life-like performer though.
Post by beastmaster on Jun 16, 2022 20:30:01 GMT
Last episode rumoured to be 90 mins long.
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Post by deebs on Jun 16, 2022 22:12:59 GMT
Some of that RLM treatment.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2022 21:57:18 GMT
My biggest issue with the series, really, is that I wanted it to be John Wick in space. Miserable old bastard is forced out of retirement and expertly murders everyone in awesome fashion. That's not really who Obi-Wan is though. You wanted something that isn't in line with the character. Finally caught up. Still love it. I didn't see the twist coming, so that was cool. I like little Leia too. She seems in line with her movie character, particularly with in A New Hope, where she's more fiery. Also really enjoyed the Vader fight in Episode V. The prequels kind of leaned more wuxia than kenjutsu, and I appreciated the kung fu-styled force parrying Vader did. As an aside, this is something I've wondered since Revenge of the Sith: I read the credits, but is that actually James Earl Jones voicing Vader, or is it Hayden Christiansen speaking through a JEJ voice modulator? It's always sounded a bit off to me, and I'm reminded of that in this series.
Post by khanivor on Jun 18, 2022 21:58:59 GMT
It’s Jones but being manipulated through sane tech as used for Luke in BoBF
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Post by zephro on Jun 18, 2022 22:04:02 GMT
It's fine, doesn't seem hateful or particularly annoying but nothing has really gripped me about it either.
Post by harrypalmer on Jun 18, 2022 22:23:49 GMT
It’s super ok.
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Post by deebs on Jun 19, 2022 2:14:55 GMT
is that actually James Earl Jones voicing Vader Sort of, it's basically a high-end text to speech AI assisted voice generator using Jones' voice samples. The guy's 91 years old, he doesn't have that kind of timbre anymore.
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Post by dogbot on Jun 19, 2022 7:04:55 GMT
Bongo Heracles
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Post by Bongo Heracles on Jun 19, 2022 8:39:34 GMT
is that actually James Earl Jones voicing Vader Sort of, it's basically a high-end text to speech AI assisted voice generator using Jones' voice samples. The guy's 91 years old, he doesn't have that kind of timbre anymore. You can tell in the shitty lion king remake which lines are 90yr old JEJ and which have been lifted from the original.
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Post by Bongo Heracles on Jun 19, 2022 8:42:23 GMT
But, yeah, I’m caught up and it has improved. They were really lucky Ewan McGregor is so watchable, though. You could watch him bumbling around for hours.
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Post by lew on Jun 19, 2022 9:16:12 GMT
I don't know if it's a symptom of getting old, just over saturation or the fact that it's a bit half arsed at times and the story is slap dash- but the best I can say about this series is "it's alright".
Watched a bit of A New Hope last night and Vader doesn't look all that big or wide in some shots. Looked pretty on point with this series to be fair.
When Disney first bought Star Wars, the only series I wanted about a main character was Vader. But with these cameos, I think I'm good now. Glad they haven't done him dirty and they've maintained his presence, but I'm good now, cheers.
Post by britesparc on Jun 19, 2022 16:18:40 GMT
My biggest issue with the series, really, is that I wanted it to be John Wick in space. Miserable old bastard is forced out of retirement and expertly murders everyone in awesome fashion. That's not really who Obi-Wan is though. You wanted something that isn't in line with the character. . Feel my flippancy hasn't come across here. I don't want him "murdering everyone", but in the prequels Obi was shown to be phenomenally capable. He handles dozens of droids, shows no fear, defeats Anakin, and usually has quite an upbeat, flippant, humorous demeanour. Whilst I get he's tortured and defeated, he's lost all his skill. I want to see some great lightsaber action and so far there's been very little. They've made it a plot point how much he's slipped. I wish he'd still been, y'know, good at stuff.
Post by Saul1138 on Jun 19, 2022 23:14:54 GMT
Waiting for the eighties style training montage at the start of series two.
Post by LegendaryApe on Jun 20, 2022 5:26:20 GMT
I also found it strange he's lost so many of his skills. I thought he was there to protect Luke. If there was a sudden attack on the homestead he'd be absolutely useless in the state he's in at the start of the series.
He might be able to use the blaster on a few, but without his super force speed he used in Phantom Menace the attack would be over by the time his space camel trotted over.
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Post by Bongo Heracles on Jun 20, 2022 7:10:59 GMT
I don’t mind the powers thing. It wouldn’t be much of a heroes journey if he started off as someone who could go toe to toe with Vader and mind wipe everyone he came across and it does make sense that rediscovering his faith also means rediscovering his powers.
Of the problems the show has, I don’t think that’s one of them, tbh.
Post by Nemesis on Jun 20, 2022 8:06:07 GMT
Spend enough time away and you get rusty. I mean, have you played online lately? Exactly.
Post by simple on Jun 20, 2022 10:57:56 GMT
I’ve read his power hiding as trying not to draw the attention of the Inquisitors leading to ring-rust. It has been a decade of burying all of his Jedi training.
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Post by Bongo Heracles on Jun 20, 2022 11:05:33 GMT
Ive also read it as him losing/rediscovering his faith. Every time he gets a power boost its because he needs to start acting like a jedi again. He handwaves the first jedi off with a 'jedi r ded, son' and then starts to remember why he did what he did.
Other than, y'know, being kidnapped as a child and being indoctrinated into a religious order he didnt choose but whatever...
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Post by Blue_Mike on Jun 20, 2022 14:29:55 GMT
Jedi losing their connection to The Force and having to regain it isn't exactly a new thing, it's just been more of a video game levelling up mechanic rather than a live action one until now. (Revan, The Outcast, Cal Kestis, etc.)